Friday, June 13, 2008

June bugs...some are important

Good evening it is...where would we be if it weren't for the bugs? Right now we're only experiencing alot of flies, and as I went to check out my peonies (which should be blooming now but aren't opening up) I noticed there are not very many ants around them...or on them...and that's not a good sign. Is the cool rain keeping them away? My bushes are tall and full, as you can see in these photos.I have 6 peony bushes, so I'm waiting to smell them as they bloom...hopefully soon. My garden is starting to get visible. See the rows of onions & corn? that big patch in the center is spinach that has wintered through, and we are eating already. I'll probably be very busy with weeds, once it warms up a bit. Even our strawberries are ripening. So that's what has been keeping me busy...taking pictures (ha! ha! ha!), the gardening and flower beds.

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