Friday, June 13, 2008

June bugs...some are important

Good evening it is...where would we be if it weren't for the bugs? Right now we're only experiencing alot of flies, and as I went to check out my peonies (which should be blooming now but aren't opening up) I noticed there are not very many ants around them...or on them...and that's not a good sign. Is the cool rain keeping them away? My bushes are tall and full, as you can see in these photos.I have 6 peony bushes, so I'm waiting to smell them as they bloom...hopefully soon. My garden is starting to get visible. See the rows of onions & corn? that big patch in the center is spinach that has wintered through, and we are eating already. I'll probably be very busy with weeds, once it warms up a bit. Even our strawberries are ripening. So that's what has been keeping me busy...taking pictures (ha! ha! ha!), the gardening and flower beds.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another day on the farm....

Well, here's one of our kitties...I'm not sure if she has a name, as the girls are not out playing with her alot, and she has a sister, who looks alot like her. This particular kitty has had numerous furballs, and has lost some serious fur in patches because of the furballs. But she's tame and loves being where I am when I'm out of doors. I think her sister is busy up in the barn with some babies, but we're not sure. I am sure that everyone who wants to or has to do any kind of gardening has had the opportunity to get out and get dirty fingernails. I feel like I have accomplished a lot in my flower beds and garden, but you can see the dandelions in the photo, and there are a million more all over the yard. I checked my garden yesterday, and almost everything is up; some of it's still busy pushing up the soil to get to the sun, but the carrots are not doing their job. Our fields are also up and looking green. But now round two starts...spraying for the weeds, and hoeing. I only do one of these...hoeing!!!! The girls are in choir in high school and yesterday they had their spring closing concert, which I really enjoyed. The band and choirs have excellent conductors and sounded great. The rainfall this past 24 hours didn't amount to very much, but every bit counts, and it gave the plants a day to grow without stress from the sun. These blossoms on our pear tree lasted a long time and now have finally fallen off. We're wondering what kind of pears we'll get this year, as they have been changing every year for the past 3 years. Maybe I'll take some pictures of the crops and garden tomorrow. And post them here.