Monday, May 19, 2008

Rocky Mountains, here I am!!!

Well, it's bean awhile since I've said anything here...'cause I thought my life was kind of boring to all the rest of you bloggers, but this past weekend, the May long weekend, I went on a working holiday. My sister asked for my help at a Christian Doctors & Dentist conference she was involved in (her job) and I got to go with my oldest daughter; we flew to Calgary and drove to Canmore Thurs. morning, and came home Sunday afternoon. We hiked up one foothill, and I was pooped! We went to the hot springs in Banff, a short ride north of Canmore. We toured the town a bit and the old hotel in Banff. And we did do some work...registration, book sales...and met some really neat Christian professionals. But now it's back to the grind...gotta sharpen that nose...laundry, gardening, sweeping, chauffeuring, cooking, cleaning...but it's good to be home with my family again!

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