Tuesday, January 3, 2017

WOW the snow is building up in front of my window.  One day soon I'll have to get out the snow blower and take down the drift...I like to see out my windows and enjoy nature out of doors.  We've had a full 2 weeks, working, cooking, baking, cleaning, and enjoying the company of children & grandchildren.

These three keep us hopping and entertained!  What blessings they are to all of us. Looking forward to more in the future.

This gift from my sister-in-law actually lost very few buds in transition and I enjoyed the color and beauty of a Christmas cactus.  The challenge is now to keep it alive and see if it'll bloom again next year.

An earlier snow fall coated the orchard trees and it's been so beautiful.  Most of it gets blown off but a picture captures the moment!

So Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year from our family to you!